
Jacksonville Ledges
Name Dive Site: | Jacksonville Ledges |
Depth: | 50 - 80 |
Visibility: | 20 - 60 |
Accessibility: | Boat |
Inserted/Added by: | steve |
Rated: | Rated not yet |
Specifications: | ![]() ![]() |
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While Jacksonville has many wrecks and reefs for divers to explore. The ledges offer some of the best diving in the area
There are several ledges, within easy boat access from Jacksonville, which vary from small drops of around 10 feet to significant dropoffs to depths greater than 100 feet. The specific ledge shown here is nearly 50 fsw at the top and drops off to the sand at approximately 80 fsw. The site is located approximately 12 miles offshore and 5 miles north of the St. Johns River inlet.
Due to the distance from shore of many of Jacksonville's better dive sites, a typical dive trip will consist of 2 or 3 dives at nearly the same depth. This geography, combined with the tendancy for late afternoon thunderstorms, causes several of the local dive operators to recommend the use of Nitrox when diving sites further from shore. Most of the ledge dive sites fall into this category of destinations.
Visibility in the area can range from 15 foot to 100 foot and can change rapidly. Therefore, it is advisable to check with the local diver operators, as close to your planned dive date as possible, while still being able to change your plans when visibility drops significantly.
Marine life is plentiful in the Jacksonville area so it is common to find yourself surrounded by schools of bait and sport fish of several varieties regardless of the site your diving.
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