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Diving around several tugboats named Belzona at less than one hundred feet of one another.

Name Dive Site:Belzona
Depth: 19-78ft (6-24m)
Accessibility: Boat, Live-aboard
Inserted/Added by: lars, © Author: Lars Hemel

Rated 4.0, 1 votes

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Several tugboats named Belzona are now connected by ribbon cords, making some of the best wreck dive sites at this distance from Miami. They all sank in the early 90s located within 100 feet from another and rest in a sandy area where stingrays and huge schools of tarpon and barracuda are quite common. All located in the Key Biscayne Artificial Reef Site which means that they are all protected from fishing and shell collecting.

Belzona Barge is a 115 foot long steel barge located in only 40 feet of water. It is one of the most common dive sites for trainee divers from Miami. Originally she was scuttled in August 1991 just north of South Seas, but hurricane Andrew moved her to her present location at only 80 foot north of Belzona II. After being bombed by the Miami Bomb Squad it is located up side down resulting in very dark interiors which are not safe to enter. At the encrusted top deck which is actually her bottom you will find many different colours of hard coral, soft coral and gorgonians.

The Belzona I, 70 foot east of Belzona II, sits upright and sank in May 1990. Belzona II is a ninety foot long iron tugboat which was scuttled on February 21, 1991 with 25 pounds of dynamite. Its wheel house was damaged by hurricane Andrew, but fish life has increased in the years which can be a reason to visit this dive site as well. The Belzona III is a 100 foot long steel tugboat which sank in June 1991 and lies at only 70 foot west of Belzona II. Her bow is covered in sand with its pilot house and engine room as the only area's that can be entered. At 80 foot deep she is the only advanced dive site of the Belzona sisters.

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